Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

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Your dreams deciphered

Our latest Night Collection celebrates the magical possibilities of night fall, the in-between time from dusk to dawn when the serenity of the evening begins. A collection of scents created from night blooming plants and ingredient believed to have relaxing qualities to inspire the night to unwind, escape and dream.

We’ve worked with Dreaming Guide and author, Tree Carr to decipher the meaning of dreams, to help you make a new night-time ritual, accompanied with a generous spritz of one of our Pillowmists of course.

Dreams Deciphered, as told by Tree Carr.

We’ve all experienced a chapter in life where recurring themes consistently play out in our dreams. Usually, recurring dreams happen more during childhood and then begin to dissipate when entering adulthood. Many of us even share the same recurring dreams: we’ve all had the teeth falling out dream or dreams of being chased or finding ourselves naked in public.

Dreams are the blueprint script of the unconscious mind. Each night information from deep within your unconscious psyche surfaces in the form of ‘mini films’ for you to watch and review. The themes and content of your nightly dreams hold clues about what is going on in our unconscious mind. It’s your mind’s way of trying to get your attention, to consider an area in your life that needs a bit of care,

healing, closure, or balance. Dreams are thought to occur because of unresolved stressors in a person’s life such as emotional trauma, stress, or fears. Once the problem has resolved they will cease to recur.

Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung believed that the recurring themes in dreams are the key element of helping to integrate the psyche, whilst in Gestalt psychology recurrent dream themes are connected to our current state of psychic imbalance. T put in plainly, these dreams are prompting us, vying for our attention to balance and resolve something in our waking life to make us happier people.

Many of us journey through our lives with recurring dream themes and never understand or decode their mysteries. Part of understanding why you are dreaming about certain things takes a bit of reflection and contemplation. Writing down your dream, reflecting on relationships, unresolved emotional issues, or possible lack of closure could be a great starting point. One of the biggest clues in decoding these dreams is your emotions. Take note of how the dream made you feel, as this can shine a light on the area of your unconscious mind that needs attention.

But if you do need a little help in decoding their meanings we have you covered:

Dreaming of your teeth falling out: This is linked to fear of aging, death and loss.

Dreaming of being chased: Typically, this is associated with avoiding an issue. Perhaps putting off emotional fears or pain, skirting responsibility and feelings of guilt or shame.

Dreaming of being late for work: This can indicate fear of lack of control in your career, a feeling of being disorganised or suggest you are fearful of change.

Dreaming of being naked in public: This shows feelings of vulnerability, shame or perhaps you may be hiding something.

Dreaming that you are falling from great heights: This is commonly to do with feeling overwhelmed and out of control, insecure or anxious.

Dreaming of water: This can indicate physical and emotional stress and fear of becoming overwhelmed by emotions.

Dreaming of pregnancy and babies: Typically, these dreams are connected to new ideas, a new creative project or new possibilities and potential for growth.

Dreaming of hair: Be it cascading curls or a haircut, these dreams are said to represent personal power and strength.

Dreaming of moving vehicles: These dreams are linked to a journey and the direction life is taking us both physically or mentally.